Pangea for Students

In cooperation with „Studiumpuls“ (the department for interdisciplinary core skills) Pangea offers students of Potsdam University an opportunity to acquire of core skills: each semester we conduct a scientifically supervised course called “Refugees Welcome – Projektangebot der HSG Pangea”. Studiumpuls accredits the participation in the course with 3 or 6 ECTS credit points.
During a weekend seminar in which topics such as the political causes for flight and migration, the legal status of refugees, intercultural communication, project-management, team-work, and self-reflection will be discussed. Afterwards the participants will take part in one of Pangea’s projects. How the participants are distributed will depend on the current demand of each project as well as the participants’ skills and interests. Participating in the projects enables the students to experience self-efficacy and thus learn self-confidence. They can apply their expertise, learn to realistically asses their limitations and strengths and to evaluate the results of their work together with their peers.

The project “Refugees Welcome” is aimed at those interested in the topics with which we concern ourselves. You also need to be able to self-motivate and you should be keen to contribute towards an open society, free from prejudice by pursuing an exchange between students and people who are seeking refuge here.

You can register via PULS:

Additionally, bachelor-students are given the opportunity to absolve internships by joining one of our projects or with one of our cooperation partners. This way, they can broaden their expertise and will be able to acquire core skills for their later line of work. The office of the academic committee of “Studiumplus” will further inform you on how to plan such an internship.

Contact: ljuba.kirjuchina[at]